Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2006

Screenflow continuance

A Screenflow, which tells you the first activities for the game.

Feature Set

General Features
Platform: PC
Single (multiplayer maybe later)
You need a mouse to play the game
3D graphics
Licensing, no open source
Advertising gag:
The Kunsthaus is wrapped in mystery. Like Christo and Jeanne Claud did it with the Berliner Reichstag. On the used fabric is written:
“The Kunsthaus is on journey, go along with it!”
Only available in authorized stores
No paper manual tutorial level which takes place in graz.


There is a new forum where players can exchange their experience and where they can get tips concerning the gameflow. No own world editor. With a serial code you can get new trickier levels.

You ever had the urge to steal a very very expensive piece of art? Then you must have our Game!
You have the opportunity to see, feel and act like a real museum. It takes you 5 minutes to check how the game works but it provides you much fun. You can travel through Europe and meet other important museums, and see all the important works of the real masters, you can be a detective when you try to find the right way and open the door without setting of an alarm.
It helps you to learn about art and art history during a thrilling chase through the town.

UI - User Interface

Here comes the user Interface in detailed graphics.
We decided that our game will be played with mouse and keyboard.

The shown controlling units are:


Esc - escape to menu (save/load scores, exit the game, etc...)
I - open the Item Screen
M - view full screen map
Space - jump
- move forward
- move backwards
- turn left
- turn right


left click - shoot with nozzles
right click - action
move mouse - to target the aim

Freitag, 15. Dezember 2006

The start of the gameplay - yeehaa

This is the attempt for an overview of the beginning of the exhausting game:

You start in your home loft.
There are many rooms, but they are all empty. In the further game play you will be able to fill those rooms with your stolen exhibits. The rooms are in the same style as the exhibitions, which will take place there. For the start up it’s also important to have a look at the playroom, which is meant to be the tutorial area. There you can try out the control of the kunsthaus. We decided to make the control in a “counterstrike-style”.

↑ Move forward
↓ Move backwards
← Turn left
→ Turn right
:space: Jump The kunsthaus is able to jump very high if it has eaten enough wobble pudding. By holding down the space-key the kunsthaus bounces higher.
:mouse: Move nozzle
:leftclick: Shoot With a crosshair you can aim at the targets you want to nozzle down.*
:rightclick: Action By right clicking you can get some information about the item you have aimed at e.g. tools, wobble puddings or other artwork you find in a level…
:m: Map The map is normally situated at the left-top screen. If you want to see more details press :m: and it grows fullscreen.
:i: Items A roundup of the items is positioned left. For detailed view press :i:
:esc: Menu The menu allows you to save your game and returning to the homeloft.

*) to nozzle down (nozzle, nozzled)
The kunsthaus doesn’t kill its enemies. Friendly bubbles named “bozzles” are its ammo. If they hit an enemy they will be kept in a bubble and are not able to harm the kunsthaus anymore.

The gameroom is loaded with lots of items, which the kunsthaus can shoot at, and many obstacles you can jump onto etc. After spending some time in that room you will be able to handle the kunsthaus perfectly.

Find three works of art to put a Renaissance exhibition.

You go into the Level One Room. It’s the only room where the mission is unlocked.
You start with a kind of card sorting game.
There are pictures and names you have to match correctly.

The correct solution would be:


Benvenuto Cellini

Kunsthistorisches Museum


Leonardo Da Vinci

Galleria dell’Academia


Pieter Brueghel

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

When you have got the correct order you can choose between the three missions.
For example if you wanna start with The Vitruvian you click on it and then you start your mission in Venice.

You’re in a dark street in Venice. Look for your account executive. On the map there is a hint where you can find him. He tells you what you have to do in this city.

He whispers:

“Hello Blubby. Nice to see you again… There’s only one way to steal the Vitruvian. If you cross the big bridge you can see the Galleria. But you can’t break into it because you need special tools for that. There are three other thiefs, which own this tools. Nozzle them down and they’re gonna lose them. Collect them and then come back to me if you need further information…”

Be aware of policemen and museum guards. Nozzle them down. After collecting the tools you can enter the museum.

There is a labyrinth with arrows and you have to follow the hints which have all to do with Renaissance and the Vitruvian. If you follow the wrong arrow you get into a room where you see other Renaissance Pictures. If you right-click them you get some information about them. When you finally got into the Vitruvian room you have to aim at it and nozzle – then the picture is soaked up in your body. Then you have passed the first mission.


(Scribbles will follow...)

Heureka, we have a logo

Finally we have a first draft of our Legal Alien Games logo


The Legal Alien Games Brainstorming

Our first result of brainstorming. Next part coming soon ...


For our first game (Alien Art Thief) we made a screendesign which you can see in on the pictures (click on the images for a better resolution)

Screen 1:

Here you can see the normal screen. On the left top you can see the map. On the right side of the top you can see the energy screen and the ammo screen(you can shoot bubbles). On the left bottom you see the item screen. Here you can see which items you already have and which items you need to get.

Screen 2:

On the second screen you can see what happens if you press "i" for items. On the item screen you see a mission briefing and a short info where you can find the items.

Screen 3:

If you press "m" for map you have a fullscreen view of the map.

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006

First Lab Lession

"Alien Art Thief" - the concept of a perfect art-ego-shooter

You are the Kunsthaus Graz.

And according to all the bad exhibitions in the past you decide to find some interesting art on your own.

In a silent foggy night, the Kunsthaus shrinks and leaves Graz for an adventurous journey across the globe. And now it's up to you to lead the Kunsthaus through this exciting mission!!

The game has several levels. The aim of every level is to put a special exhibition which attracts worldwide attention.
In the first level you have to find three different works of art, the higher the level the more exhibits you have to find and steal. The Kunsthaus shoots with bubbles through its nozzles at his enemies (see the sketch).
Our game is a 3D Ego Shooter so you see the whole Kunsthaus only in the intro and the cutscenes.

LEVEL 1 example:

The easiest exhibition is about Renaissance. One of the three exhibits is the Vitruvian by Leonardo da Vinci.
It's located in Venice in the Galleria dell'Accademia - so you are transported a virtual surrounding of the museum there.
At first you have to find the person who explains to you how you can break into the museum.
There are many dubious guys who want to harm you. So you have to freeze them with your bubbles and collect stuff like picklocks or keys from them. If you have gathered all the necessary items you can get into the museums. In the museums there are things like riddles and labyrinths which lead you to the Vitruvian.
If you want, you can find out details about the other exhibits which are in the museum.
If you found the Vitruvian you have to soak it up with a nozzle, you are transported back to your Loft and you can start to find one of the other two exhibits.

You have to be careful not to cause alarm - then you will be hunted by many museum-guards and nozzle them down.
If you die you will be transported back to your Loft and have to start the mission again.

Let's Call It A Day :)

We are we are... LAG

Dimitri M. and Birgit B. are introducing the new and unbelievable gaming company called:


Producer: Georg "der Stecher" Kukuvec
Designer: Birgit "die tote Hose" Bachler
Programmer: Dimitri "ich trenne Müll" Moustakidis
Analyst: Alex "a Bier geht immer" Voglreiter